I am looking for my next Entrepreneur who wants to
grow, scale and Potentially sell their business in the next 3-5 years.

About you.

1: Your friends would call you a relentless and driven human (The right amount of crazy, not too much)

2: You have a can do, get shit done attitude, and a glass half full mentality

3: You do what you say you are going to do at least 95% of the time (We are human)

4: You never complain more than 1x per day (I’ll give you one. But seriously, there is no time for pessimists or moaners. Business is hard enough)

5: You love to WIN, have FUN, and want to make lots of money. (Why else would you be in business)

About your business.

1: Your business generates a minimum $1M in revenue. Or on a current run rate to do so this financial year (I will ask to see your P&L – no fakers)

2: You have established a product to market fit (You’ve sold stuff & people like it)

3: Your product or service is ethical and moral (You can’t be a coach who is selling something you have never achieved)

4: You’re committed to investing time, effort, energy, and money into growing all areas of your business (People, Processes, Marketing etc)


If you answered Yes to all the above. Please read on.

From the Desk of Brett Campbell

Hello fellow Entrepreneur.

Imagine how much extra profit you would make if you had an experienced advisor. Who acted like a business partner and cared about the success of your business as much as you do. Someone you can call at any time, to ask any question related to your business.

Now STOP imagining. You may have just found it.

But seriously, imagine having someone who:

  • Isn’t “emotionally attached” to your business.
  • Who has the ability to be brutally honest with you when needed.
  • To call you on your bullshit.
  • To challenge your way of thinking.
  • Will be in your corner through the ups and downs.
  • Someone who has been there, done it, and still doing it.
  • Someone to help set in stone the Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Values of the company (or reshape them, if needed).
  • To set budgets, cashflow forecasts, KPIs.
  • To help craft the strategic plan to achieve them.
  • Provide a workable framework for planning, leading and delivering the required action steps.
  • Someone who can fastrack your outcomes by at least 5 years.


And along the way, ensure you are growing into the CEO/ business owner you MUST be.

Sounds great, right?

Why me and what’s the actual opportunity?

I want to spend the next 2 minutes providing a little context of why I am looking for my next Entrepreneur.

But first, a very important story.

Similar to Ron Burgandy, I was born a baby (If you know, you know).

At age 4 I was living in a Caravan.

At age 6 I was living in public housing. In a street not to different than the one you would see in the old classic movie “Once were warriors” If you haven’t seen the movie, just assume a bad street.

At age 8 we upgraded, and this is the place I called home. (See Image) I lived there up until I moved out on my own.

It’s safe to say, I came from humble beginnings.

I was kicked out of high school at 16 for talking and being a disruption. I was given an ultimatum by my mother. Get a job or move out. I took the first job I could get. I became an apprentice Cabinet Maker.

From day one, I knew this was not my destiny. But I had no idea of my “way out”. It wasn’t until the pain was too much to bare, that I finally made a radical change. The problem was, that took many years. I had a large pain tolerance.

With suitcase and golf clubs in hand, I boarded the plane. A one way ticket, destination Gold Coast, Australia.  I was on the quest to find out what the world had in store for me.

It was at that time (15 years ago) I started my first “real” company. I had NO idea what I was doing. But I was determined to figure it out. In my eyes, I had no other option but to succeed.

I became a personal trainer and started trading time for money. I then uncovered the concept of leverage. It was all over from there. I quickly grew what would become one of Australia’s fastest-growing fitness companies at the time.

  • We were the first in the country to launch an online workout program that generated over 100k in sales in the first 24hr period. (Did this multiple times)
  • We also launched a fitness franchise with over 35 locations in the first 6 months. 23 sold in the first 3 weeks.
  • We built a registered training organization with hundreds of students.
  • An online supplement store with our own brand of supplements.
  • Multiple International Wellness Retreats.
  • 15+ online products, and courses.
  • We were early adopters of the mobile application world. Our first app generated over 100,000 paid users (this was before every second person had an iPhone).

So how did we grow so fast?

With an insatiable desire to succeed, I uncovered the #1 secret weapon to growing any business fast.

Marketing & Psychology first. I consumed every piece of marketing & psychology content I could get my hands on. I studied the earliest advertising and copywriting geniuses. Eugene Swartz, Claude Hopkins, Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, and the list goes on.

I became obsessed with growing my knowledge base & Figuring out EXACTLY what it takes to build successful companies.

  • What it takes to become a great leader.
  • Understanding different company structures, P&L, Budgets and Balance sheets.
  • How to hire people and build teams.
  • How to build and structure sales teams and targets.
  • The power of systems and process (Building a franchise will do that)
  • Whatever it took…

Then I did the most important thing of all.

I took massive action and turned my newfound knowledge into outcomes. Don’t get me wrong. A lot of these lessons I learnt the hard way. Along the way. It wasn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But it worked.

Fast forward to today.

As I sit and write this it’s 1.15 pm on a Wednesday. (TALL POPPY TRIGGER WARNING). I am sitting on the back patio of my multi million dollar property. Overlooking my infinity edge pool and spa, which spans the entire back of my property. The pool seamlessly integrates with the river, creating an illusion that the pool never ends. And in the distance the amazing Gold Coast skyline…..

OK…. Hold a minute Brett…..

“Who gives a fcuk about your infinity edge pool and multi million dollar home? Great question. Well.. I certainly do, and I think you should too. WHY? …. Well, it shows I know how to make money and I’m assuming that’s why you are reading this?. To build a business to make you more money, right?  Look, I could go on and mention the 2 Porsches I have sitting in the driveway (fully paid for). Also the stocks, cryptocurrency, cash, and other investments I have, let’s say… sitting around. And one last major thing to note, my current business portfolio of companies generates over $45M a year in total revenue.

And to top it off, I’ve spent the last two years effectively retired. (More in a minute) Not a bad start I’d say. But still a ways from my next target of $500M.

But in all seriousness, this is important for you to know!

I want my advisors to have runs on the board, the more the better. I want my advisors to be ambitious, the bigger the better. I don’t know about you. I’ll never work with an overweight personal trainer, a broke accountant or a business advisor who has never built a successful business. Enough said.

Today my time is spent operating my portfolio company Navion. An investment and advisory firm that partners with exceptional Entrepreneurs. I act as Chairman or as Chief Advisor to my Partners and CEO’s.

One of the portfolio companies that I’m most publicly known for is Claxon. Claxon is a multi award winning growth agency. It was founded in 2017 with a good friend of mine. In our second year of business, we won agency of the year. From there we made the Delloite fast 50 and Afr fast starters lists. Claxon works with some of Australia’s most recognised brands. Along with many Global players. (Claxon.agency)

Another of our amazing companies is Euka. Euka is Australia’s largest homeschooling education provider. We’re building the future of education. We call it, Future Learning. We combine technology, creativity and innovation with real-world experiential learning to create individualised learning experiences for our students. (Euka.edu.au)

The blessing, the curse, the reason!

The blessing: I only have roughly 5-10hrs of work a week to keep me busy.

The curse: I only have roughly 5-10hrs per week to keep me busy.

The reason: Don’t get me wrong, my goal when I was 16 was to be retired by 35, so you could say I’ve been working on this my entire working life. But now I am here. I realize my brain is not cut out to work so few hours. I need challenges to solve. And unfortunately, outside of purposefully creating problems in my current businesses. (which I have done, not a good idea).

I am now making myself available to work directly with another Entrepreneur.

That is the purpose of this letter.

Is that you?

Let’s look further.

I am looking for a Founder & CEO who wants to grow and scale their business with the intent to potentially sell within a 3 – 5 yr time frame.

My primary goal as your advisor is to help you become the best CEO/Leader you can be. Or, help you HIRE the right CEO/COO/GM who believes in your Vision and wants to be on the journey with you. So you can lead the business, whilst working within whatever your superpower is. Your business will ONLY ever grow as fast as you do.

So how will we grow your business?

I’ll revert back to my earlier words. As this is exactly how we will do it.

We will set in stone the Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Values of the company (or reshape them, if needed). They cant just be words. It must viscerally connect you to your outcomes. Then we will Craft the strategic plan to achieve them. Provide a week-to-week, day to day cadence on how to plan, lead and deliver the action steps required.

Successful companies consist of 7 key pillars. Each pillar with multiple sub pillars, such as:


  • Establishing your company Purpose (Why you exist)
  • Establishing your company Vision (Where you aspire to be)
  • Establishing your company Mission (How you will achieve your Purpose and Vision)
  • Establishing your company Values (The DNA)



  • Build, rebuild or rethink your sales strategy
  • How to build a sales team
  • How to manage a sales team
  • Setting KPIs and commission structures



  • Architect a company-wide marketing strategy. Covering, Brand, CX, UX, organic, and paid performance channels
  • How to maximise an always on lead generation system
  • PR – Are you and/or your business positioned in the marketplace the right way
  • Data and reporting – what you don’t measure don’t grow



  • Are your Systems and processes effective?
  • Are you using the most effective tech stack?
  • Does your business run like a well-oiled machine (This is hard, even with systems and processes. The key here is how you operationally manage the people who manage the systems)



  • Do you have the right product stack?
  • Do you offer high GP products or services?
  • Are your products and pricing perfectly positioned within the right marketplace?



This is by far the most important aspect of any business’s ability to grow and scale. It’s a make or break. They say, Build the team build the dream. I’ll go one step further. Build the right team, and you’ll build the right dream. The biggest headache most business owners have is people related.

  • How to build an executive team to remove yourself from wearing to many hats. Despite your valiant efforts
  • How to effectively lead and manage people to success
  • How to establish career paths for those motivated team members
  • How to set clear KPIS and targets for your team
  • How to recruit for specialized skills
  • Working remote, hybrid or in person (My portolifo companies have a mix of all these methods)


And lets not forget, arguably the most important pillar of all, and often the most neglected.


  • How to set a realistic BUDGET and cash flow Forecast. You MUST know how much profit your business should/could and must make. (Every business needs targets/ KPIS)
  • How to manage cashflow and burn (If you don’t do this, your business will eventually implode)
  • Setting up dividend policies to reward shareholders (This is fun, it’s why you build a business, to get paid)
  • Capital raise (do we need to raise capital)


As you can see. And as you already most likely know. There is a shit ton of levers that need to be pulled in order to build a profitable business.

So you’ve made it this far. Based on your personality profile you’ll fit in one of these buckets.

  1. You are eager to get started and would have preferred to get started last week
  2. You want a meeting with me to talk about all aspects of your business and ask questions. You want to get to know me more to see if we would be a good fit as relationships are very important to you. You also love to chat 😉 (Don’t worry, so do I. I did get kicked out of school for it remember)
  3. You are not quite sure about this. You may have tried working with someone before, so why would this be any different? You’re still not entirely sure if you want to grow the business or not yet. You do, but you don’t, but you do. You are feeling indecisive. You’re not the biggest fan of change and are known to be very risk adverse
  4. You need cold hard proof, and data, show me how you can help me, ideally in graphs or some bar chart. You’re possibly still annoyed at some of my spelling errors you’ve no doubt picked up. And your thinking, this guy can’t even bloody spell, how’s he going to help me (Lol)


Ok, so I had a little fun there. But in all seriousness, you’ll be feeling at least one or a mix of all four right now.

This leads to the next step!

And a question that will be the make or break of us working together or not.

What’s the investment to work together? Short answer. Lots! This will most likely be the biggest investment you have ever made when it comes to your time, effort, energy, and money. It’s not easy. But it’s worth it.

NOTE: This is not a typical Coach – Student relationship you may be accustomed to.

  • This is not a monthly or weekly coaching program where we get together on zoom webinars and teach from power points
  • It’s not a 60-minute meeting once a month and then only email access
  • It’s not a group environment with dozens of other business owners
  • It’s not a membership portal with 1000 hrs of video training for you to consume


Over the past 14 years coaching and advising hundreds of businesses directly. I have finally landed upon what I believe is the most effective model that allows for the best win/win for both parties. I will share it all on the call. (Too many prying eyes, I want to keep this as exclusive as I can for as long as I can)

If what you’ve read so far sounds GREAT, and only GREAT, I mean it..…. If you are determined to Grow and Scale your business…. and you answer YES to ALL of the questions at the top of this page, then we need to talk.

Fill out the form below.

The Next Step

Fill out the form in as much detail as possible. Due to the number of applications we receive. A poor submission will not be looked at.

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